Finally got to see the wonderful "sampler" stitched from 1900 - 1917 by LB, Before that she had lived with her mum and they ran a boarding house together. When she was in her 50s her ma died and she was dumped in the workhouse presumably by her family, for some reason LB didn't inherit anything, instead she was put in the asylum wing and left to rot.
However she was a woman of some force and she started to stitch these long [this one is about 15'] diatribes of denunciation and fury. Presumably she scavenged scraps from the rag pickers in the main wings and was allowed to sit and sew if she caused no trouble.
She poured all her bile into these samplers, there is known to be another of about 12' and there are fragments of more, which have not been found.
The museum researchers have confirmed that the people and places existed but they cannot explain why she is so angry, and as time goes on she does get a bit bizarre, unsurprisingly.
I suspect she may have had aspergers or something along the autistic syndrome, a bit obsessive not socially skilled, which is perhaps why she stayed home with her mum.
She died in the workhouse but her energy certainly still reverberates.
I guess her situation and work express many of the interests I have, I hope I have some of her persistence.
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