More going on in my head than in practice.
I had to finish my Awakening Anger for the seven Deadly Virtues exhibition, plus Envy Lurks which I now quite like, tho as ever i doubt I have pushed it far enough.
I guess that is why one is supposed to work in Series, to push and explore the idea instead of a series of One Offs which once I have finished I realise I could have done better tra la.
I think when we get back from getting wet on the South Coast [not in the sea sadly] i will try and get the dyes and paints together and construct a back ground for my figures and machines. I suspect it should be dark so they ...........mmmmmmmmmmerge.
I could maybe use the wheel middle thingies from the Cleo when they wired a new set on, and dared me to knock off. I have done my best. Hub caps!
Maybe I could get circles and bumps from them, maybe spray thru?? dunno. Allison is using plumbers washers and screws sewn on, but she does neater work than moi.
However I am trying to keep in mind Sue's advice to be more kind to myself and not to feel I should rush at everything, usually gritting my teeth.I am reading a costume drama novel set in the 1870s by Cynthia Harrod Eagles [coo] and including Elizabeth Garrett Anderson as a character so maybe that will inspire moi too. I checked her use of the terms mum and dad, suspecting anachronism but they came into use in the mid C17th so i am more willing to trust her research.
Daughter, whom we will see in November, when she sprogs, wants me to do a stitching based on Tamara de Lempika's Woman with Dove. I started but it all looked too ghastly, pink stitching yuk; i think my daughter would like something more muscular.
However i shall take Dovey Lady with me and see if I can't make something of her.
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